Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Journey home...

Bright and early (2:55am!) we headed to the airport. Our kind guide had arranged for the hotel to pack us a breakfast. At the airport we said our goodbyes and were on our way. The security here is so much simpler than in the US…or, maybe it’s just that it was 4 AM!

Since we said our prayers at the Lisbon airport, and had a tight transfer in Amsterdam, we were unable to post anything until now. It is good to be back in the USA! One more flight, and we should land in Spokane at 4 pm. 

Happy to be almost home.

Still being apostles of Our Lady!

So many graces to be thankful for!! Looking forward to seeing our Sisters and friends at home soon.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite picture: Srs. Madeleine, Michael and Veronica. I can't help but think this picture was taken so their overprotective moms could breathe a sigh of relief. For those of you that don't know, they are the younger sister's of the group.
